wow its been a long time since ive posted on here! been wanting to but you know how that goes... Im on the last chapter of Crazy Love and there was so much in there I wanted to share and then it reminded me that I havent even shared what God has been teaching me from my trip to Oregon for the For The Love Workshop.
I learned so much about making my business my ministry as long as thats what Hes calling me to do as a job- and right now it is- but I know that at any time He could call me to do something else and Im good with that- I dont know that Ive always been able to say this- but He has brought me to a place that I sincerely whole heartedly want to do WHATEVER He would ask me to do-not that it would be easy but I KNOW in my heart and in my mind that wherever He wants me is the absolute perfect place for me-and no plans of mine could ever live up to that..
One of the main focuses at the workshop was of course our photography businesses but it went so much deeper into the fact that we are here wherever we are to love others, to serve others as if serving Christ, to share Him with others and be a light that points others to Him. we spent a lot of time talking about how that is our focus and how we can make our business fit into that as opposed to the typical mindset of 'this is my business, my life, my passion and I really want to put God into it... '
We talked a lot about how all of our business comes from the Lord. He can give abundantly or make it go away in an instance-which is so comforting to me- but also- a challenge to make sure Im honoring Him with every part of it so that He can use my business to glorify Him.
The worship leaders Johnathan and Melissa were so incredible-God brought the perfect match together for this workshop as J &M were previously wedding photographers and knew exactly the thoughts and feelings we were experiencing and God used them to bring us close to Him and speak truth to exactly what we needed. the words to the worship songs they have written spoke so deeply to the thoughts of a photographer.
below are some quotes from either the leaders or the worship songs that I wrote down throughout the week that spoke to me.
The Lord has our plans, our worries, our struggles , our pride, our failures and insecurities
God drive us-our business our future, our life- drive us so we can admire your beauty in all You do.
Ive seen I AM and now I know that I am loved
Christ wants us to be, not what we do
Pictures are not the point-they are the tool. the tool to impact someone for eternity.
Our purpose is to honor Christ-serving and investing in others.
everything God does is creative-He is the Creator. We are creative beings
Be my vision, Be my wisdom
Love through me
Walk on my water-Ill meet you there.
theres no end to the affection that You have for me.
rooted and grounded in love or its out of focus.
Our satisfaction comes from the Lord not in success in business.
Lord grow contentedness in my heart that I dont need all these things
I was made for intimacy.
Thats all pretty random and it probably doesnt make sense- but maybe something will touch your heart as well..
Im challenged to really make my photography a ministry and not a job im trying desperately to be successful at... God's in control of that part and all I need to do is love on people and walk closely with Him.
heres a picture of what our mornings looked like as the fog would rise. beautiful creator